Sunday, December 14, 2014

Reviving the Blog (Hopefully)

So I decided to make another post and revive this blog. Why? Because it's our semestral break and I'm bored. I'll (try) to publish posts as much many as I can. I'm not even sure if somebody reads my blogs posts but I don't really care that much. I just want to do something haha.

Ugh I hate myself. I really wanted to blog a while ago. But now, I don't know what to post and feels lazy to continue this. Please bear with me :))

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Kumusta? Kamusta?

Just dropping by to say Hi! It has been a while since the last time I posted my last post (sounds redundant. haha) Well here you go, another post. a useless one. Okay. This will be all for now. Goodbye!

"And so, the dragon slept again for the next thousand years."

Monday, March 10, 2014


Embrace the cold for it is coming.
Loosening tight strings.
Untying the knots that bind.
Expect change.


A friend told me na tuwing nakikita nya ko, nawawala problems nya. It was so flattering that I had to blog it. Sabi nya, relax lang daw ako. Easy-easy. Not like the others, stress na stress sa buhay. Well it is true. But I'm not sure if it's good to be like that.

I learned how to control stress before it controls me.
I learned to govern the flow.
I look at things with a positive point-of-view.
I felt so relax in the mentality I have.
I made a world with my own rules.
Rules that I can no longer alter.
And know I find myself trapped.
I can not escape.
I need to find a way out.
Out of the four corners of this world I created.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

30DBC Day 4: List 5 things you would tell your 16 year-old self if you could.

I just turned 18 last June :)) It's not so long ago and I haven't change a lot. Telling my 16 year-old self things will be just like telling it to my present self. So, in this post, I'll list things I want to tell myself.

1. Delete the word 'procrastination' from your dictionary.
Me: This will be hard but I hope you can do it.
Me: With all these distractions present around me, how can I be productive!? I can just sleep, or surf the net, or watch the television instead of doing my school works. I can do it an hour before my first class anyway.
Me:  Shut up! Stop being lazy and do all the work that needs to be done long before it is due. Be productive you spoiled brat!
2. Spend wisely.
When I'm at school, I always end up spending too much on food. It's hard to study in a place surrounded by restaurants and cafeterias, y'know. I know it's not a bad thing, but I think I eat more than what is enough. I want to lose weight, you see, and eating too much is not helping me achieve that goal. And I hate the feeling of regret after spending and eating too much :(
3. Read! Read! Read!
As a student, this is one of the biggest problems I have in my academic life. I hate reading. Especially when the text to read is too long and boring and long and deep and long. I hate reading my notes and my school books. But I learned to love reading novels where my favorite movies are from just this semestral break. And I hope that the love I found in reading these novels will help me in overcoming my laziness at reading my school papers. Wish me luck!
4. Speak more.
I know some of my friends would say I speak too much, but I actually am not speaking too much. I speak with you too much because we're friends and that's what friends do. But when I'm with somebody I'm not that really friends with, I tend to zip my lips and just keep the thoughts I want to say to myself. I feel so antisocial. And I'm not like that. I want to be friends with everyone and have a good relationship with them.
5. Blog daily.
I'll be honest with you. I really don't know what to write for the fifth item so, yeah, blog daily. As you can see, the blog challenge really is intended to be done everyday in 30 days. But I already failed in the fourth day. But I did told you about how I can not do this everyday, maybe because of my school works and my social life. I really want to fill this blog with posts about myself, the world, and everything that comes in between. This blog also serves as a practice for my writing skills. For the second time, wish me luck! :) 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Random Thought #1: Artificial Intelligence

What if life is like a single player game? Your body is the character and the voice inside you is the player. The player may wish to do everything he wants to but is limited by the skills of the character he has chosen to be.

What if just like in every single player game, you are the only character and everything else are just illusions? You have missions to accomplish and skills to learn. And everything that has happened and will happen is already plotted in the story of the game.

What if each and every person you encounter each and everyday are just artificial intelligences? They differ from one another based on the design of the Creator. And their mission is to test how good a character you can be.

Well, life really is a game. You sometimes win, you sometimes lose. And when we lose and fall, we begin to question ourselves: Is this really the character that can put me to the top? Can I really make it and finish this game with pride and dignity?

Just like what I have said, losing and falling is part of the game. The important thing is, the game we play gives us chances. It give us opportunities to level up. And it is up to us if we will use this chance to improve and upgrade our characters, or just be contented on the level we are in and embrace the difficulties the level gives us. You choose.

Monday, January 13, 2014

30DBC Day 3: What is the greatest amount of physical pain have you ever endured?

I think, the greatest amount of physical pain that I have ever endured was the pain I got after training boxing for the first time. I sometimes accompany my aunt in the boxing gym and train as well, but I'm not really into boxing. We were given different trainers but same exercises. We jogged around the ring as a warm-up exercise, did some boxing routine and abdominal exercises, and got a massage after the training from our trainers to cool our bodies down. When I got home, I took a bath and went to sleep as I was really tired. When I woke up, I can hardly move. My joints and muscles were aching so badly. It was so hard to go up and down the stairs, to stand up and to sit down, and even to take a step and walk. The pain lasted for three days. It was a really hard but it's a good thing to experience ;)